Africa — the land of beauty and hardships

Aaron Collingwoog
3 min readApr 22, 2021

Africa is the second biggest continent globally, and it is the homeland to more than 1.357 billion people. Home to innumerable youngsters wholly filled with talent and ability to work hard, Africa suffers in many ways, unluckily. There are many problems that Africa has been facing for a very long time, and no matter how tirelessly people have tried to make Africa better, they have not succeeded. Why is that? Because, among the many problems that Africa has been facing, the government is inadequate.

Bernard Asante wrote the book “The Manual for Africans in the 21st century” to show to the world that even when Africa is brimming with problems, there are people like the author himself who believe in the idea of a better future. There are still people who have not given up hope and lost all expectaions for the prepossessing continent.

The problems

The shortage of food has been troubling for a very long time now. People have suffered in ways that our minds can not even comprehend. Innumerable have died with hunger and thirst. And the though weather conditions make it even more intolerable to survive without substantial food and water. The resources are inadequate, and the population is abundant.

Illiteracy is another factor that results in the suffering of the continent. Millions of talented kids and teenagers are uneducated. How could a nation or a continent flourish without education? Because of the scarce resources and unlimited demand, many children grow old to be uneducated and suffer while finding a job. In short, illiteracy has been prevailing over education in the continent.

Diseases are widespread. Due to improper sanitation at uncountable places across the continent, hazardous and alarming sicknesses have been discovered. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are widespread in the continent due to the lack of cleanliness and knowledge about the hazards.

Poverty is the most common thing in Africa. Africa is the world’s most impoverished continent. While some African countries have enjoyed significant growth in their Gross-Domestic Product (GDP), many suffer endlessly.

The unemployment rate in African countries goes as high as 28.2 percent in Lesotho. Due to lack of education, the youngsters usually find themselves struggling to get employed. Moreover, there are only a limited number of jobs, while people are quite a few. Furthermore, there is a general lack of interest in entrepreneurship. All these reaons combine to increase the unemployment rate in Africa.


Bernard expects the African people, especially youngsters, to keep holding on to every last segment of hope they have in themselves. He explains how education plays a crucial part in their lives and how their talents are too brilliant to live a life with a shortage of food and other difficulties. He believes in an enhanced future for Africa, and he is looking forward to it. He expects his fellow Africans to love the homeland just as he dies, to be ready to die for the homeland, just as he is, and to be prepared to kill for the homeland, just as he is.

About the Author:

Bernard Asante is a dedicated African, and he hopes for his homeland’s betterment. Hence, through his book, “The Manual for Africans in the 21st century,” ASIN B08S9GNPQ5, Asante wants the world and African leaders to know what needs to be done to enhance Africa. Bernard is also a teacher and a prosperous entrepreneur, and he has worked with many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as head of policy and trust funds. Asante believes that the youth of Africa are the hope for the continent. Having traveled to 30 countries in Africa based on what he experienced, he was sure that the continent needed a change in education, governance, food security, and youth employment. Bernard Asante has a B.A. in Global Economics and an M.A. in Diplomacy from the University of Westminster, London.

